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Our Story

Our Story

We met  in January 2000 during my visit to India on holidays. A month later, we were already married. After being married on February 23, 2000, we went back to USA where I was working then. Almost after year and half we came back to India for good. We both started working again and life became kinda routine. The happiest mommnet in our life arrived after 8 years of our married like in the form of our son Adit. Adit was born on 1st september 2008. This day is a beginning of new journey in our life. We would like to keep track of this new journey in the form of this site. We will try to keep it updated with various events in our life.  We hope you will enjoy exploring our site and come back again. We hope to update this site often.

-Rajesh Chemburkar

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